Baroda preparing for July 3 fireworks


The village of Baroda is gearing up to hold its annual July 3 celebration and fireworks next week ahead of the Fourth of July. Thanks to the Baroda Firemen’s Association, the village fireworks are put on each

Potential Bosch takeover of Whirlpool: What does it mean?


Whirlpool’s stock price jumped about 17 % Wednesday, almost $15, closing at $102, after widely respected news agency Reuters reported that Bosch, the huge German multi-industry firm, was considering a takeover bid for Whirlpool. That means that

Report: Bosch weighing a bid for Whirlpool Corp.

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For weeks now, we’ve been receiving information from various sources regarding the potential sale of Whirlpool Corporation. To date, no official confirmation has been found to back up the information and a Whirlpool Corporation spokesperson said they