Garden Club plans plant sale for next month

The River Valley Garden Club is planning its annual plant sale for May 18. The club’s Elizabeth Palulis tells us this is the 16th year for the sale, which always attracts a good crowd. “We have about
Whirlpool Quarterly Report Ignites Sell-Off, Stock Price Drop

Wall Street didn’t take kindly to Whirlpool Corporation’s 1st Quarter Report, as explained in the company’s quarterly Conference Call with stock analysts Thursday morning. After the comments by Chairman/CEO Marc Bitzer and Chief Financial Officer Jim Peters,
Animal Shelter working on new name

Berrien County Animal Control is rebranding. County Commissioner Jim Curran told colleagues this week the county administration committee has heard from Berrien County Animal Shelter manager Ashley Herr about efforts to better market the department. Among other
Michigan regional jobless rates decline in March

Not seasonally adjusted jobless rates receded in 16 of Michigan’s 17 labor market areas over the month, according to data released today by the Michigan Center for Data and Analytics. “Michigan regions demonstrated positive labor market trends
Glendora Bookshop celebrates grand opening Saturday in Buchanan

Glendora Bookshop will celebrate its grand opening with a ribbon cutting performed by the Buchanan Area Chamber of Commerce on Saturday, April 27th at 12pm. The bookstore is located at 110 E. Front Street, Buchanan. Glendora Bookshop
Court Judges Outline Process and Timetable for Interim Prosecutor Appointment

With the early resignation of Berrien County Prosecutor Steve Pierangeli, the process for appointing an interim successor has been clarified. The County’s panel of Circuit Court Judges are responsible for choosing the lawyer who will fill the
250,000 King Salmon Planted in Black River at South Haven

The Michigan DNR in cooperation with the South Haven Steelheaders this week planted 250,000 King Salmon fingerlings in the Black River. The fingerlings were placed in cages where for the next two weeks they’ll be fed and
Reuters: WHR to lay off 1,000; Q1 Report sends mixed signals

Whirlpool has been making waves—some positive, some not so positive—since the Wall Street close Wednesday afternoon. The company issued its First Quarter report, covered below, but much of the local buzz was generated by a report in