Pop Culture Art HQ Opens in St. Joseph


“If they’re collectors and they understand the art form of it, they flip out. If they are statue collectors already, they completely flip out!” – Marcos Matijevic, Owner, CollectorZown For 10 years, Marcos Matijevic worked for the

Coloma planning to open a splash pad


There’s an effort underway to build a splash pad in Coloma. Mayor Marsha Hammond tells us the city council has created a special committee to pursue the project, which would cost an estimated $165,000 to $200,000. The

StoryWalk Returns to Chikaming Open Lands


Take reading outside, and enjoy literature and the beauty of nature all at once! Chikaming Open Lands is excited to announce StoryWalk® On The Preserves 2023, an interactive, family-friendly spring activity, available to the public with the