Pokagons Preparing Thanksgiving Food Donations


The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi will be donating 200 Thanksgiving food boxes this coming week as the holiday approaches. The Pokagons say team members will hand out the packages at the Food Bank of Northern Indiana on

Feds Reject Application To Keep Palisades Open


The Palisades nuclear power plant in Van Buren County won’t be reopening. The U.S. Department of Energy has rejected an application from Holtec International for a grant to keep the plant going. Holtec in September applied for

Crowdfunding Campaign Could Mean New Park For Watervliet


Downtown Watervliet could soon gain a new pocket park and gathering space thanks to a crowdfunding campaign. The Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Cornerstone Alliance, the city of Watervliet, and the Watervliet Downtown Development Authority have all teamed