Former Deer Forest Property Sold


The former Deer Forest property has been sold. Deer Forest was a popular attraction in Coloma for decades. Visitors could view and feed deer there. Deer Forest closed in 2014 after years of problems and multiple owners.

State Police: Erratic Driving Up


If you think people are driving more erratically these days, you’re not wrong. Michigan State Police Lt. Mike Shaw says it has been going on for a while. “During the stay-at-home order when we had less traffic

Memorial Day Travel Expected To Be Up


AAA of Michigan is predicting a busy travel season this Memorial Day weekend with bookings for flights, rental cars, cruises and hotels double what they were for last year. Spokesperson Adrienne Woodland told Michigan News Network prices

Senior Action Week Coming Up


May is Older Americans Month, and May 9-13, 2022 has been identified as Senior Action Week in Michigan.  Older adults play vital, positive roles in Michigan communities – as family members, friends, mentors, volunteers, civic leaders, members