Michigan Regions Show Mixed Unemployment Rates in December; Berrien Flat

Not seasonally adjusted jobless rates declined in 10 of Michigan’s 17 major labor market areas during December and increased seasonally in northern regions of the state, according to data released today by the Michigan Department of Technology,
YouthBuild Offers Education & Job Skills to Achieve a Diploma

Individuals who are 16-24 years old and interested in earning money while finishing their High School Diploma or GED are invited to learn more about the YouthBuild- Benton Harbor program and participate in the 3-point challenge. “We
Bitzer: “We’re a different Whirlpool… operating in a different World.”

Whirlpool’s corporate leadership team sees continued strong performance ahead for 2022, and is feeling good about financial results just released for 2021. Whirlpool Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Marc Bitzer told financial analysts and Wall Street reporters
Whitmer: Cut taxes, boost schools. GOP agrees, but devil’s in details

Could there be common ground after all between Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Republicans who control the Legislature? On Wednesday, the Democratic governor used the last State of the State address of her first term to propose tax