Business Leaders for Michigan Bullish on State Economy and Return to In-Person Work

Citing increasing plans to return to in-person work across the state, Michigan’s business leaders are forecasting robust growth over the next 6 to 12-months in the latest survey from the state’s business roundtable, Business Leaders for Michigan.
Amtrak Gets Green Light for 110MPH Speeds on Some Michigan Runs, Adding Additional Train to Wolverine Line

As things continue to return to a bit more normal across the region, some Amtrak riders will be traveling considerably faster, and the system is adding a new trip on the Wolverine Service connecting Pontiac & Detroit
Veggie Van Schedules Multiple Stops in Benton Harbor Over Coming Week

Benton Harbor families struggling to put fresh fruits and vegetables on the dinner table will get a helping hand several times in the next week thanks to the Veggie Van. The Veggie Van, a mobile farmer’s market
Statewide Michigan Poll Shows 70% Report Being Vaccinated or Planning To Be Vaccinated

One of the largest mass vaccination clinics in the state of Michigan ends today at Ford Field in Detroit, as the state shifts now to customized-by-community grassroots efforts aimed at encouraging more Michigan residents to get their
May 16th to 22nd Proclaimed Michigan EMS Recognition Week by Gov. Whitmer

First responders have been serving the front lines across Michigan for decades, perhaps never so diligently as they have during the course of the coronavirus pandemic. With that selfless service to their fellow residents in mind, Michigan
SW Michigan Tourist Council Launches New Game Exploring Arts & Cultural Scene

We’ve been linking places like craft breweries, distilleries and wineries across Michigan’s Great Southwest for several years now thanks to the grand variety of options along the Makers Trail, now from the same minds that brought us
State of Michigan Launches Annual Search for Official Capitol Christmas Tree

As you launch your summer travels, officials at the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget — DTMB — hope you’ll keep an eye out for what you think might be the perfect tree to grace the
Berrien RESA Board Election Draws Five Candidates for Two Positions June 7th

There will be at least one new member of the Berrien RESA Board of Education following the organization’s biennial election slated for June 7th. While incumbent board member Dave Pagel is seeking a new six-year term, Trustee
South Haven Lighthouse Offers Interactive 360-Degree Camera Online

Thanks to current technology and some dedicated folks in South Haven you can now catch a glimpse of the historic South Haven Lighthouse anytime you wish through a newly installed panoramic camera, offering a first-of-its-kind look at