MI Restaurant Industry Pleased With Expanding Capacity, Not With Duration of the Updated Order

While Michigan restaurants and bars have gained capacity with the state health department’s updated guidance released this afternoon, the industry’s advocacy team is concerned about how long the new limitation will run. Michigan Restaurant & Lodging Association
Senator LaSata Calls for MI Senate to Reject Hertel as MDHHS Director

Saying that newly appointed Michigan Department of Health & Human Services Director Elizabeth Hertel is not “fit to serve” in that role, Bainbridge Township Senator Kim LaSata is calling on colleagues in the Michigan Senate to reject
Michigan Restaurants Can Expand to 50% Capacity Under New Order

The beleaguered hospitality industry is gaining capacity thanks to updated orders from the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services even at the same time as gathering limits elsewhere are expanding as well. They can now open
Fourteen MI Chambers, Economic Dev Agencies Appeal to Governor for Restaurant Reopening

Arthur Havlicek’s colleagues across the state are following closely in his footsteps with a renewed effort to get Michigan’s restaurants increased capacity limits in light of improving coronavirus data. Havlicek, who is President & CEO of the
03-02-21 Moody on the Market Daily Update
03-02-21 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Michigan’s Great SW Gets Piece of $6-M Grant Pie for Registered Apprenticeships

When the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity — LEO — announced Monday some $6-million in registered apprenticeship grants to support career opportunities for under-represented populations in the state, Michigan’s Great Southwest learned that nearly $530,000
St. Joe Storefronts Ready to Come Alive During March Mannequins Event March 12th

The art of standing stock still for extended periods of time will spring to life ten days from now as St. Joseph Today welcomes the return of March Mannequins on Friday, March 12th. On the evening of
W.R. Grace Acquires Albemarle’s Fine Chemistry Services in South Haven

Half a dozen years after announcing intent to sell a long time manufacturing division in South Haven, Albemarle Corporation has found a buyer. The Charlotte, North Carolina-based firm, which specializes in the global manufacture and trade of
Humane Society SWM Board Issues Statement on Director’s Departure, State of the Shelter

The Board of Directors of the Humane Society of Southwestern Michigan is working diligently to reassure the public following the sudden, and unexpected, resignation of the shelter’s Executive Director for the past 13 years, Jill Svoboda. As
Private Equity Firm, Blue Wolf Capital, Acquires Colson Group, Including Shepherd Casters in St. Joe

After being owned by Robert Pritzker of Chicago for nearly 60 years, followed by a 9-year tenure with Sentinel Capital Partners, Colson Group, which includes long time manufacturer Shepherd Casters of St. Joseph, has been sold to