Van Buren State Park Expands by 17-Acres Thanks to DNR Agreement

The popular Van Buren State Park has gained 17-acres this week thanks to approval by Van Buren County officials of a 25-year lease with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to expand the park’s footprint to include the
Curry Tapped as New Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Lake Michigan College

There’s a new Chairman of the Board at Lake Michigan College, and he is Jeff Curry, who advances to the top from his previous role as Vice Chair following a vote of his colleagues on the board
01-12-21 Moody on the Market Daily Update
01-12-21 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Heart of Cook Grant Application Process Opens for 2021

If you are ever in search of a pure heart for a community from the people who work there, look no further than Indiana Michigan Power Company’s Cook Nuclear Plant and their increasingly renowned “Heart of Cook”
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Grants MI Request for Release of Millions of Doses of COVID Vaccine

In a rapid response to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and eight other U.S. governors, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) this morning has announced that they will grant their requests and release the millions
Bangor Blueberry Grow Joins Testimony to ITC of Blueberry Import Damage

A prominent Bangor blueberry grower who also serves as President of the Michigan Blueberry Advisory Committee has joined fellow American blueberry farmers in testimony before the International Trade Commission in Washington D.C. regarding the impact of surging
Employee Assistance Grant Opportunity Opens Friday for MI Hospitality & Recreation Industry Workers

If you work in the Michigan hospitality & recreation industries and have been impacted by the state health department’s restrictions put into place back in mid-November, you might be eligible for a grant of up to $1,650
St. Joseph City Commission Establishes Plan for Peggy Getty Replacement

If you’ve ever wanted to help make the decisions that determine the future of the City of St. Joseph as a City Commissioner, and you are a registered voter and legal resident of the city, your chance
St. Joseph City Commission Greenlights Major New Aerial Firetruck

Saying “This not an expense, it is an investment in the very safety of our community,” St. Joseph Mayor Mike Garey joined the unanimous vote of his fellow City Commissioners Monday night in setting the stage for