Honor Credit Union Breaks Ground for New Berrien Springs Member Center

Usually in the financial realm, a rainmaker is a good thing. It refers to a prolific money maker, so nobody should be surprised in the least that even last Friday’s rainmaker forecast couldn’t halt the team at
SMC Strategic Planning Session Produces Two New Allied Health Programs

Two new allied health programs have emerged following a day-long strategic planning session by the Board of Trustees at Southwestern Michigan College on Monday. The annual strategy session yesterday has produced a new Associate in Applied Science
Dowagiac Draws Federal Loan for Sewer Improvements

The City of Dowagiac is one of seven communities in Michigan that will benefit from the federal investment of $46-million in rural Michigan Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements announced today by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Perrigo Selects Grand Rapids for New North American Corporate HQ

Southwest Michigan global giant Perrigo has announced plans today to establish its North American Corporate Headquarters in Grand Rapids, in a project expected to generate $44.7-million in private investment and create 170 well-paying jobs for Michigan workers.
10-27-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
10-27-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Upton Calls for U.S. Economic Development Agency Nod for Cass SMART Park

Calling it “the most exciting prospect for Cass County in decades,” Congressman Fred Upton has issued a call for the U.S. Economic Development Administration to clear the path for development of a SMART Park in Cassopolis. The
Winter Wonderland of 60,000 New Lights Headed to Trees of Downtown St. Joe

In a year that has been filled with stark terror for many retailers who faced several months of mandated closures during the pandemic, the upcoming holiday shopping season may be more critical than ever before. With that
COVID Care Extraordinaire Woodland Terrace Style

There isn’t a person alive who hasn’t found 2020 to be a remarkably different and often times challenging year. With the pandemic especially difficult on families, imagine the challenges that the senior living industry has experienced. Industry
United Federal Credit Union & Edgewater Bank Announce Plans to Strategically Unite Next Spring

Two major financial institutions from St. Joseph, dynamic in their own right, are joining forces early next year to form a powerhouse team laser focused on local service and advancing technologies. In a deal that has been
North Pier Brewing Gets City Commission Greenlight For Downtown Tasting Room in SJ

One of the few retail space vacancies on the open market in downtown St. Joseph won’t be vacant for long if the Michigan Liquor Control Commission follows the green light given to North Pier Brewing Company for
Berrien County Sheriff Beefing Up Halloween Patrols This Weekend

The popularity of Halloween continues to soar year after year as parents who recall the great fun of that night when they were kids get as much fun out of the night as their own children do.