Citing Upward Trajectory in COVID, Berrien Trial Court Moving Back to Phase Two

The recent surge in coronavirus cases in Berrien County is forcing the Berrien County Trial Court to move backwards in their re-opening plan, moving from Phase Three back to Phase Two starting next Monday, October 26th. Chief
Benton Harbor Gets $5.6-Million EPA Grant to Remove Lead Water Lines

Saying that “families should be able to be certain about safe drinking water,” Congressman Fred Upton and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler joined the agencies Regional Administrator Kurt Thiede in announcing a multi-million dollar grant
911 Telecommunicators Honored by Berrien County Board

They’re the people who take oftentimes scary and frantic calls from people experiencing serious conditions, sometimes life-threatening, and they have to do it as calmly as possible to line up the help that people need quickly and
10-23-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
10-23-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Time to Get Your Final Season Pass, as SJ Sports Gear Shop Readies for Retirement

The woman who has been running the race to keep you properly outfitted in the best gear your favorite team has to offer for the past 17 years is about to hang up her cleats and step
Panel Set for Final Mfg Growth Alliance Event on Managing Multi-Generational Workforces

If your small manufacturing operation, like many across Michigan, has a multi-generational look to it, with men and women from a broad range of ages working side-by-side, the team at the Manufacturing Growth Alliance is ready to
Michigan’s Regional Jobless Rates Moved Down in September

Berrien County is now ranked 55th out of 83 counties in the state when it comes to the county’s unemployment rate for September. Van Buren is right in the middle of the pack ranking 39th, while Cass