08-31-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
08-31-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
United Way SWM Becomes Partner in Nat’l Voter Registration Day

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re likely well aware that the November Presidential election is now just two months away, which means you might want to get registered soon if you’re not already. To help
South Haven’s First Co-Working Space Opening September 8th

With Labor Day signaling the unofficial end of summer fun, even those working from home throughout the pandemic might appreciate a little change of scenery when returning to work the day after the holiday weekend, and they’ll
New Partnership Offers Cardboard & Paper Recycling Opportunity in SWM

If you’re into saving trees, reducing CO2 emissions, saving water and preserving landfill capacity, a new partnership is implementing a pilot project to expand the recycling of cardboard and paper recycling. The Van Buren Conservation District, Broken
St. Joe’s Box Factory for the Arts Slates Limited Re-Opening Plan

Just in time for Labor Day weekend visitors, The Box Factory for the Arts will re-open to the general public on a limited schedule beginning this coming Friday, September 4th, and there will be rules of engagement
Michigan’s Major Political Parties Convened Virtual Nominating Conventions This Weekend

Both major political parties in Michigan conducted virtual party nominating conventions over the weekend and have reported the results of those proceedings. The following results are from the Michigan Republican Party’s 2020 Nominating Convention which was held