Deep Water Central Dock in BH Sold to Rieth-Riley Construction

A vital and significant piece of land at the confluence of the St. Joseph and Paw Paw Rivers along the harbor front in Benton Harbor and St. Joseph has changed hands for the first time in 85
New Michigan Website Delineates Prohibited & Approved Activities and Businesses

It can be confusing and frustrating for both Michigan businesses and consumers alike to recognize and know exactly which activities are allowed to take place in the Great Lakes State and which are not, especially since those
Michigan Builders Say Housing Demand Strong & Trending Upward

Voicing cautious optimism following a tough spring, the head of the Home Builders Association of Michigan says demand for new housing remains strong and is trending upward. Bob Filka is the CEO of HBAM, and he points
Sodus Township Speedway Project for I-94 at M-139 Advances Another Step Forward

The proposed new Speedway service station destined for I-94 and M-139 in Sodus Township has cleared another hurdle. The Sodus Township Board of Trustees voted to approve the recommendation of their Planning Commission with a couple of
08-12-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
08-12-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
SWM Early Childhood Education Company Releases New Children’s Picture Book

You never know where talent will pop up next in Michigan’s Great Southwest, but an early childhood education company has given us a pretty good reason to keep our eyes and ears open for that talent because
Power Restoration Work Continues — Now 75-Percent Complete

For those who are still without power in the region, Indiana Michigan Power says progress continues to be made with about three quarters of those who were out at the worst part of the outrage now restored