Michigan Fitness Officials: Not One Case of COVID Traced to Any Re-Opened Gym in USA

Arguing that not one case of COVID-19 has been traced to any gym that has been allowed to re-open in the United States, the Michigan Fitness Club Association is doubling down on promises to continue to be
First Free-Standing Starbucks in Berrien County Slated for Lincoln Township

Ever since Starbucks Coffee Shops popped up on seemingly every major corner of metropolitan areas large and small across the globe, the general public in Michigan’s Great Southwest has collectively wondered when there would be a free-standing
Gov. Whitmer Paves Way for College Conversion to Larger Instruction Space

Any Michigan college or university seeking to convert large spaces on campus to instructional purposes now has a green light to do so without approval or inspection thanks to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s newest Executive Order which amends
07-29-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
07-29-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Michigan’s Community Colleges Ready for Quality Online Classes This Fall

Having pivoted quickly to remote learning back in March when government Stay Home, Stay Safe orders forced everyone into home-based quarantines, the Michigan Community College sector is now more ready than ever to offer quality online classes
New 2020 iVoterGuide Details Candidate Information Online

Next Tuesday is Primary Election Day in Michigan and many other states across the nation, and for those looking for information on the candidates, a group has put together an online presence called the iVoterGuide, promising “accurate,
Whirlpool Achieves Science Based Targets Initiative Approval

In their ongoing drive for sustainability at every level, Whirlpool Corporation has garnered an important approval from the group Science Based Targets Initiative for the company’s emission reduction targets. That approval highlights Whirlpool’s ongoing commitment and progress