Whirlpool CEO Announces Pledge to Equality & Fairness for Black Colleagues

Last week, Whirlpool Corporation Chairman & CEO Marc Bitzer announced a new corporate pledge to equality and fairness for the company’s black colleagues. A number of the Whirlpool staff members across the region asked that he share
Next Berrien County Recycling Event Set for August 12th

If your collection of “all things needing to be recycled” is getting out of hand in the basement, garage, or even in your hall closets, the team at Berrien County is gearing up for another major recycling
MIOSHA Targeting Retail, Restaurants & Bars Following COVID Uptick

If you operate a bar, restaurant, retail or service industry business, you may find a state safety inspector on your doorstep one of theses days due to pandemic safety concerns. As a result of the recent uptick
Upton Working to Expedite Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness

The federal lifeline tossed to many businesses across Michigan’s Great Southwest and, for that matter, across the nation, is in the news again as Congressman Fred Upton and a Pennsylvania colleague have introduced bipartisan legislation that would
Michigan Businesses & Consumers Have Scored $97-M In Insurance Savings Due to COVID

Arguing that neither businesses nor consumers in Michigan should be required to pay inaccurate insurance premiums, the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services is reporting today that their efforts have saved nearly $97-million in recent weeks.
07-27-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
07-27-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Berrien Health Officials Concerned Over Rising Trend in COVID Cases Locally

Berrien health officials say the accelerating trend of COVID-19 cases in the county is concerning and they are urging everyone to continue to take precautions to prevent transmission of the virus across the region. Officials from the
Dave Martin Transitions to New Martin Maintenance & Repair Enterprise

Back on Friday, Dave Martin wrapped up ten years of service to the team at Honor Credit Union first as a subcontracted maintenance technician, and for the past five years as Facilities Manager. Today, on the flip-side
Michigan State Police Offering Virtual Recruiting Webinar

If you’ve ever wondered about a potential career with the Michigan State Police, a mid-day webinar coming this Saturday would be a great opportunity to get a peek behind the curtain and learn more about that very