MI Realtors, Construction and Some Mfg Can Return to Work May 7th

Real Estate professionals can finally head back into the trenches next week, put for sale signs in the yards and actively pursue their profession once again beginning May 7th under a new executive order released this afternoon
05-01-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
05-01-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Leak Repair Forces Cook Plant Unit 2 Shut Down

Just a minute ahead of 11am this morning, operators at the Cook Nuclear Power Plant near Bridgman safely removed the plant’s Unit 2 reactor from service when a small leak was discovered on a pipe feeding one
SJ Teen Helping Keep Michigan Moving in World’s Largest Exercise Class Next Week

A 16-year old sophomore at St. Joseph High School has been tapped by the Michigan Fitness Foundation and the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness Health & Sports to craft a workout video for use next Wednesday, May
Curbside Bulk Pickup Resumes in South Haven by Republic

If you live in South Haven and have Republic Services as your trash vendor, your wait for them to pick up bulky items at the curb is finally over. South Haven City officials announced this morning that
Nearly $390-Million U.S. Relief Dollars Headed to Michigan School Districts

In a bid to help Michigan school districts and educators ease the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Department of Education has approved nearly $390-million in funds tabbed as Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief —
Lest We Forget Battle Re-Enactment Moved to 2021

The dedicated cast and crew of American veterans who have been illuminating the past in order to protect the future has been forced, like many other organizations, to halt planning for their summertime ritual of battlefield re-enactments
Gov. Whitmer Extends Restaurant, Bar, Casino, Theater Restrictions To May 28th

Your dining entertainment will have to continue to be through take out, drive-up, curbside pick up, or delivery until May 28th unless Gov. Gretchen Whitmer eases restrictions sometime sooner. Overnight she extended her Executive Order limiting places
Whitmer Counters “Mission Accomplished” Legislative Claim, Extends State of Emergency to 5/28

The ink used to sign off on the Michigan Legislature’s refusal to extend the state’s emergency and disaster declaration that was set to expire at midnight tonight, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer swiftly wielded her own pen to sign
Gov. Whitmer Signs Order Extending & Expanding on K-12 School Year Rules

As we roll the calendar over to May, at a time when schools would ordinarily be hosting all sorts of end of school year activities, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has signed a new Executive Order tonight that