Whitmer Details Four Keys to Starting to Re-Engage in Michigan

Saying, “The curve looks like it’s starting to flatten,” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered another update to the people of the state this afternoon, but stopped short of offering up any finite timeline for a re-opening of
Long Term Care Facility in BH Found With COVID-19 Cluster

The Hallmark Living Center of Benton Harbor has been identified by the Berrien County Health Department as having a cluster of illnesses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is what the county is reporting this afternoon: The
Berrien County Adds Just 1 New Positive COVID Case, But 5 Have Now Died

The Berrien County Health Department today reports, “We are reporting another death, bringing our total number of deaths from confirmed cases to 5. The individual who passed was an older male with underlying health conditions.” They also
04-13-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
04-13-20 Moody on the Market Daily Update
LaSata Concerned Whitmer Restrictions Risk EEE Infections

State Senator Kim LaSata has dispatched an urgent letter today to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer voicing deep concern and asking for immediate action regarding her latest extension and expansion of her Stay Home executive order. Her concerns
County Road Repair Costs Due to Erosion Approaching $40-M in Michigan

The tab to resolve high water erosion damage along county roads in Michigan is rapidly approaching $40-million and climbing. That’s the word from the County Road Association of Michigan which has been assessing the damage from high
If Your Housing Expenses Have You “Cost-Burdened,” You’re Not Alone

If you count yourself among those who feel cash-strapped and bearing an unusual burden when it comes to your rent or mortgage costs and other housing expenses, you are certainly not alone. A new survey from an