Attorney General Orders JoAnn Fabrics to Close Temporarily

Joann store

While they had offered many people ongoing opportunities to purchase materials for handcrafting face masks, medical gowns and other materials, the state’s Attorney General says that is not enough to warrant allowing JoAnn Fabrics to remain open

Red Arrow Detour for Sewer Construction Moved Back a Week


If your travels routinely take you along Red Arrow Highway in Chikaming Township and/or New Buffalo Township, here’s an updated heads up for you from the Berrien County Road Department regarding sewer reconstruction work that will cause

Spectrum Health CEO, Planning For the Worst, Issues Appeal


Spectrum Health President & CEO Tina Freese Decker has posted an online video again pleading with Michigan’s citizens to help flatten the curve by staying home during the Governor’s shelter-in-place order to stay home and stay safe.

American Gas Prices Lowest in Four Years


The good news is we haven’t seen gasoline prices this low in more than four years. The bad news is, we’re under a shelter-in-place order precluding much of any travel for anything other than essentials. GasBuddy, the