Big Changes from Big Brother Big Sisters Regionally

Discussions over the past several months between Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lower Michigan and Big Brothers Big Sisters of St. Joseph County in Northern Indiana have led to an agreement to merge the two organizations effective this
Hitachi Ltd. Completes Deal to Acquire JR Automation, Including Stevensville Plant

It’s official. Stevensville’s JR Automation plant on Red Arrow Highway is now part of Hitachi, Ltd of Tokyo, Japan. The deal we first shared with you here on Moody on the Market last April for Hitachi, Ltd.
Harvest Gathering Garners 5 Tons of Food in Annual Drive

If you dropped a few items into the collection box while renewing your drivers license or your plates and tabs at the Secretary of State’s office over the last couple of months, give yourself a pat on
Raising the Standard Takes on New Meaning for Boss Services in 2019

When you brand yourself with a critical tagline, you want to make certain that you hit the target and even surpass your own promise virtually every time. The Boss Services tagline “Raising the Standard,” was fulfilled beyond
SWM Legislators Score 100-Percent Voting Record in 2019

From the pure standpoint of showing up for the job, the legislative contingent from Michigan’s Great Southwest performed flawlessly during the 2019 legislative calendar with not a single missed vote among them. There must be something in