White House Sides With MI Governor’s Ban on Flavored Vaping

Governor Gretchen Whitmer is no longer the lone wolf at the door for the flavored liquid market in the electronic cigarette realm. She has been joined by the U.S. White House. The White House today revealed plans
09-11-19 Moody on the Market Daily Update
09-11-19 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Four Winds South Bend to Add 23-Story Hotel

Dramatic expansion of the Four Winds Casino in South Bend is on the drawing boards and about to come to life in the form of a new 23-story hotel tower pegged for completion in about two years
Bridgman Fed Up With N. Church Rail Crossing Condition

After getting nowhere for more than a year, officials in the City of Bridgman are turning to the general public for help in resolving a key rail crossing in their community which is in clearly critical condition
Paw Paw’s Beth Griffin Legislator of Year for Manufacturers

She’s been a junkyard dog on issues relating to student career choice opportunities and career and technical training, and now, State Representative Beth Griffin is being rewarded for her diligence by the Michigan Manufacturers Association. Manufacturers joined
Major $$ Boost for Spectrum Health Lakeland Healing Racism Series

The mission of Spectrum Health Lakeland’s Community Grand Rounds speaker series just got a tremendous quarter-million-dollar boost from the nation’s largest philanthropic entity focused solely on health. Word has come that the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which
Meijer Joins Mega-Retailers in Asking “No Open Carry” of Guns

People in Southwest Michigan and anywhere else that Meijer operates can add that major retailer to the growing list of companies asking customers to avoid the open carry of firearms in any of their stores. In a