Sen. Stabenow Will “Check In” to InterCare and More Next Week

If you happen to hear through the grapevine that U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow has checked in to the InterCare Clinic on M-139 in Benton Harbor next week, don’t be alarmed. It’s one of three key stops in
06-28-19 Moody on the Market Daily Update
06-28-19 Moody on the Market Daily Update
If You’re Launching Personal Fireworks: Know the Law

Yes, we all know that the personal use of fireworks in Michigan is legal…but with the huge risks and dangers involved, the Michigan State Fire Marshal suggests you make yourself familiar with how, when and where you
Judge Wiley Orders Berrien to Pay Attorney Fees in Sheriff’s Gun Range Case

When the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in late March of 2018 that they would not hear an appeal from Berrien County regarding the 13-year battle royal over the Sheriff’s gun range in Coloma Township, everyone figured that
2019 Kinexus YouthBuild Project Underway in Benton Harbor

Jasmine Bibbs of Benton Harbor was a high school dropout headed for a decidedly uncertain future until she landed at the Bridge Academy and was pointed in the direction of the YouthBuild program operated by the Kinexus