12-06-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
12-06-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Minimum Wage Turmoil Churns On in Lansing

While the world awaits Gov. Rick Snyder’s response to legislative action that essentially guts the minimum wage laws the legislature itself had passed this fall, there are sharply contrasting responses on multiple fronts. The Michigan League for
SJ Students Give Virtual Tour of Hometown to State Capitol Visitors

He’s been one of the most ardent advocates for and supporters of career and technical education recognizing the importance of filling the skilled trades gaps in Michigan in the modern era, so it was a natural fit
Animal Aid Slates Christmas Open House Just Prior to Reindog Parade Saturday

Even the dedicated supporters and volunteers who make up the amazing team at Animal Aid would likely agree that it’s remarkable to realize that they’ve been hosting an Annual Christmas Open House in Michigan’s Great Southwest on
New Walgreens-FedEx Partnership Creates Fastest Next Day Delivery in America

Just like that Walgreens has become “the fastest choice for next-day prescription delivery” in America. The have accomplished that by teaming up with FedEx Corporation in announcing the nationwide launch of next-day prescription delivery service, bringing together