Krasl Art Center’s Aging Elevator Gets a Lift from MCACA Grant

The Krasl Art Center is getting a lift from the Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs and they’re hopeful you’ll help with matching dollars to elevate their plans going forward. The Krasl announces today they will
11-16-16 Moody on the Market Daily Update
11-16-16 Moody on the Market Daily Update
One of SW Michigan’s Most Prominent Citizens, John Howard, Has Died at 99

“He had a heart the size of the Grand Canyon, and bestowed his kindness in a quiet manner.” That’s the first reaction of former St. Joseph City Manager Frank Walsh after he learned today of the death
Major Section of Crystal Avenue To Be Closed For Two Week Water Main Work

If you have business on around around Crystal Avenue in Benton Charter Township here’s a major league heads up for you. A major part of the road will be closed for the next two weeks beginning on