Southwest Michigan Steel Plant Fire Quickly Doused Averting Further Tragedy

Fast action and safety first undoubtedly saved a Geneva Township manufacturer from more serious disaster when fire struck shortly before mid-day today near South Haven. South Haven Area Emergency Services Chief Ron Wise says his crews responded
11-07-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
11-07-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
11-07-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
11-07-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
St. Joe Planners Say “Let’s Talk About Downtown” At Workshops Next Week

How many times have you wondered about why downtown St. Joseph doesn’t have something that you think would make it the perfect downtown, or wondered why the city does some of the things it does that seem
2018 Mid-Term Election Turnout & Results

Even though it was being touted as one of the most critical elections in many years, the turn out for the 2018 mid-term vote only managed to draw in the mid-forty to mid-sixty percent range in many
Upton Declares Victory With Push to Get the Poison Out of Politics
He represents the 6th Congressional District of Michigan — the automobile state — and newly re-elected Congressman Fred Upton told a room full of late-staying supporters and campaign workers tonight, “Let’s figure out how it is that
LaSata & Wendzel Win Election to Michigan Legislature

Kim LaSata already has a cool glass nameplate for her new desk in the Michigan Senate thanks to the man who preceded her in Michigan’s 21st District. John Proos made the presentation tonight at the Shadowland Ballroom
Michigan: Meet Your New Governor-Elect Gretchen Whitmer

Michigan has a new Governor-Elect and her name is Gretchen Whitmer. Projections this evening from multiple sources have given Whitmer the nod, not the least of them being the Chairman of the Democratic Governor’s Association, Washington Governor
Setting the Stage for the 2018 Election Results With the Republican Faithful

It’s an historic site that has represented fun and excitement for decades in Michigan’s Great Southwest and tonight, the stage is set for another slice of history — the counting of the ballots in the 2018 mid-term