Rejuvenated Going-PRO Website Pinpoints High-Demand, Top Dollar Jobs in Michigan

Increasingly we are hearing about top dollar, high-demand jobs that are going unfilled across Michigan, and how recruitment efforts are continually being stepped up. Yet, how often do you hear the question, “Okay, so where can I
Michigan Teams Stand By to Deploy to Hurricane Florence Response Efforts

As the Eastern Seaboard braces for the powerhouse impact of Hurricane Florence and people are evacuated at a steady pace, there are a number of Michigan people ready to step in and help battle the aftermath including
09-12-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
09-12-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Striking Reminder of the Hazards of the Harvest Season in SW Michigan

Nothing will spoil your day faster than a collision with slow-moving farm equipment on a country road. Michigan State University Ag experts are reminding everyone that while the arrival of fall means trees changing colors, football games,
Hairitage Salon Latest to Capitalize on Dowagiac DDA Facade Incentive Program

As the owner of The Hairitage in downtown Dowagiac, Debbe Meyers has spent her career helping her clients look their best. This construction season, she also made sure her storefront was at its peak of perfection, thanks