08-23-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
08-23-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Kinexus Boasts Record Year for Offender Success Program, Best in Michigan By Far

The already enviable record of many things touched by the change agents at Kinexus of Benton Harbor just ratcheted up a notch thanks to a record year in job placement outcomes for their remarkable Offender Success program.
Notorious Fifth Third Burger Being Retired by West Michigan Whitecaps

If you are an extreme food fan and you still have the Fifth Third Burger on your bucket list of “must try” delicacies, you’d better get yourself some tickets to one of the last handful of West
NCP Coatings of Niles Still Booming 70 Years Later

A small chemical paint company that set up shop in the city of Niles in 1948 now operates world wide, and the third generation of the same family is marking a 70th Anniversary in business this month.