A Couple of I-94 Exit Ramps Out of Commission Near Lawrence Soon

If your travels or those of people you work with typically take you to Lawrence in Van Buren County, here’s a heads up regarding major reconstruction on a couple of I-94 ramps there which will force a
St. Joe’s UBreakiFix Shop No Longer Repairable — Closing For Good on Friday

Well, either you all are doing a much better job of protecting your smartphones or you never got the chance to discover St. Joe’s UBreakiFix shop in the Southtown neighborhood of St. Joseph. Regardless, if you break
06-27-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
06-27-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Accused BH Murder Suspect Named to FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List

A violent Benton Harbor gang member charged with murdering two men in front of dozens of witnesses in March has been named to the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, and a reward of up to $100,000
Click It or Ticket Campaign Produces More than 4,350 Citations

When police conducted their spring Click It or Ticket enforcement campaign in recent weeks, nearly a third of those pulled over in traffic stops were cited for either seat belt or child restraint violations. The numbers were