Striking New Clock Tower Erected at Harbor Shores Honoring Jeff Fettig
If you’re late for your tee time at Harbor Shores, you won’t be able to argue with the Official Starter at the first tee there any more. Thanks to a very special group of friends of retired
05-04-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
05-04-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Strong First Quarter Out of the Gate for Edgewater Bank
If the rest of the year goes as well as the first quarter, stockholders of Edgewater Bancorp will be dancing in the streets for Christmas. Edgewater Bancorp, holding company for Edgewater Bank in St. Joseph, delivered “solid
The Villwock Family’s Northern Outpost in Berrien Springs is Just the Beginning
Over the past year, the Villwock family of Berrien Springs has essentially established sentinel posts on both the northern and southern flanks of the village, “bookending” the community with a tremendous range of products and services that