Hartford High Sweeps Several Top Honors at JMG Conference in Lansing
Kristin Harrington loves when kids win. As a recent 40 Under 40 award winning recipient herself she said the one “superpower” she wishes she could have would be the ability “to slow down time.” After reigning over
Kinexus Maintains Best in the U.S. Rankings for 2nd Year Running
Anytime you can boast four of your teammates are members of an exclusive group like the 40 Under 40 for Southwest Michigan, you know that you’ve got a good shot at retaining your place among the Best
If You’ve Got Artistic Talent, There’s a Local Competition Just For You in St. Joe
Every year we renew a striking opportunity in Michigan’s Great Southwest to discover some of the amazing talent in our midst thanks to an annual art competition hosted at the Box Factory for the Arts in St.
04-03-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
04-03-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Could New YMCA Collaboration Lead to Cross Border Consolidation?
Mark Weber’s rising star which received a tremendous boost when the YMCA of Benton Harbor-St. Joseph collaborated and eventually meshed with the YMCA of Niles-Buchanan is soaring higher with a new agreement that places him in the interim
Michigan Manufacturing Leads Small Growth Spurt In Midwest Economy Index
There’s another measure of the region’s economic growth pattern out, this time from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and while it’s not an overwhelming report, at least it records growth. The new Midwest Economy Index ranks