Has the House of David in BH Been Looted of More than $50-Million in Assets?

Is Benton Harbor’s famous House of David worth north of $215-million dollars? According to an in depth, front page report in today’s Detroit News, one former member of the religious group contends that more than $50-million in
St. Joseph March For Our Lives Event Joins Nationwide Campaign March 24th

If you want to join those making a statement about school shootings this month, you won’t have to venture to our nation’s capitol to do so. You can simply head to Lake Bluff Park in downtown St.
Berrien Suicide Prevention Coalition To Address 9-1-1 Availability in a Suicide Crisis

Here’s a question many people probably never really thought about. Can you call 9-1-1 in a suicide crisis situation? Fortunately, there are people ready with the answers to questions like that and they are being enlisted by
I-94 Semi Driver Slams State Police Patrol Car in Morning Commute

If you got caught up in delays on the eastbound interstate this morning it may have been a wreck that was caused by an Ohio truck driver who slammed into the rear end of a State Police
03-07-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
03-07-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
West Michigan Industrial Economy Gets “Significant February Bounce”

Calling it a “significant bounce” in February, the man who keeps close tabs on the West Michigan Industrial Economy by tracking multiple index measures through a monthly survey process says, “January was good, but February was better.”
Berrien Science Olympiad Winners Emerge to Prep For State Championships

After weeks of preparation on the homefront and a solid daylong head-to-head competition with other schools from throughout the region of Michigan’s Great Southwest, seven local schools have emerged from the 31st Annual Science Olympiad at Lake