Big Snowfall Headed to the Lake Michigan Shore and Beyond

For winter weather thrill seekers, the winter of 2017-2018 is proving to be an honest contender for “wildest ride” in a long time with the peaks and valleys of heavy snow, followed by melting and mild weather
Heritage Center’s Remarkable Campaign Forges the Comeback Trail

Faced with a daunting price tag north of $300,000 over the next several years, board members and administrators at the Heritage Museum & Cultural Center are expressing profound thanks this week to a generous community that helped
02-08-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
02-08-18 Moody on the Market Daily Update
United Federal Members Step Up for Red Cross Assistance

One of the great strengths of a financial institution that is owned by the people it serves, the members, is the outstanding opportunity to step up and help the collective good of a community and the causes
Prestigious New 40 Under 40 Now Taking Applications

Surrounded by the steady drumbeat of news that the workforce is broken and there aren’t enough people to fill the high-skilled, high-wage jobs at myriad companies across the board, it becomes far too easy to forget that