Hurricane Boosted Auto Sales Keep Positive WM Economic Growth Going

Characterizing the pattern as largely unchanged for nearly seven years now, Professor Brian Long from Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids says the West Michigan industrial economy gathered a bit of a reprieve due to the
10-10-17 Moody on the Market Daily Update
10-10-17 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Brew Crew Ready to Drive You to Drink Local

Ever had anybody drive you to drink? Admittedly that phrase is typically reserved for somebody who is driving you batty…making you crazy…or taking you to the edge. Well, the crew at SWMI Brew Tours is putting a
Breaking Ground for United Federal of South Bend

In mid-July we told you about the upcoming dramatic expansion plan into Northwest Indiana by United Federal Credit Union, and that movement is about to get underway in earnest. This Friday, October 13, 2017 at 3pm, a