Aging Fitness Course in Watervliet Slated for Major Rehab

A public fitness course in dire need of repair and updating at 30 years is now on track for a substantial makeover in the community of Watervliet. A $125,000 fundraising campaign for the Lakeland Hospital, Watervliet Parcourse
Don’t Get Scammed Trying to Help the Houston Hurricane Relief

When we’ve all seen the striking TV images of the impact of Hurricane Harvey in Houston, it’s natural to want to step up and help those in peril in some way. Unfortunately, natural disasters such as this
Making Stops on the Makers Trail for Hops Against Hunger

Enjoying any of the broad array of amazing craft brews populating the Southwest Michigan Makers Trail is a treat in and of itself. When you can enjoy one and support hunger relief at the same time it
08-29-17 Moody on the Market Daily Update
08-29-17 Moody on the Market Daily Update
Lemon Creek Winery Preps for 21st Annual Harvest Fest

When Lemon Creek Winery rolls out the hay wagon for their 21st Annual Harvest Festival next month they can legitimately point to at least 30 outstanding reasons for you to pay a visit, by simply pointing to
Condo Developer Branches Into Cabinetry Design

If Marshall Downs can even begin to replicate the success of Victor Kiam, he’ll likely be one of the happiest campers in all of Michigan’s Great Southwest. Victor Kiam, for those who don’t know him was the businessman