MDOT Will Put M-139 On a “Road Diet” North of Berrien Springs

Who knew that when they decided to reduce the number of lanes on a section of roadway in Michigan they actually use the same terminology as those among us working to lose weight? Believe it or not,
Emergency Response Training Next Monday at Silver Beach

You may well see a rather sizable emergency responder team at Silver Beach County Park next Monday morning, and if all goes as scheduled, it will be a test — only a test. Berrien County authorities are
06-13-17 Moody on the Market Daily Update
06-13-17 Moody on the Market Daily Update
SJ McDonald’s Slated for Million Dollar Makeover

The towering golden arches sign may be the only thing that remains unchanged when a new $1-million makeover of the St. Joseph McDonald’s restaurant is completed sometime this fall. Everything else will be renovated, upgraded, updated and
Physical Fights on Silver Beach Lead to War of Words at City Hall

While Ernest Hemingway spent many an hour along the shores of Lake Michigan, it was John Steinbeck who wrote of his “winter of discontent.” Steinbeck’s discontentment may or may not have risen to the level of Silver
Whirlpool Reveals Plan for $35M Upgrade & Expansion at SJ Tech Center

If, as a key Whirlpool Corporation message says, “The Future Belongs To Those Who Build It,” then another major slice of the economic future of Michigan’s Great Southwest is on the verge of being nicely solidified. Cornerstone