WHR United Way Campaign Includes a Sizable Public Summer Appliance Sale

When you’re constantly innovating new designs, new technology, and hot new products, inevitably the product cycle ends up leaving some things in the obsolete column. With Whirlpool Corporation’s manufacturing and engineering teams continually striving for the next
Saturday Powerball Jackpot Soars to $435-Million

If one single Michigan player happens to win tomorrow’s $435-million jackpot, it would be the largest Powerball prize ever won in the state of Michigan. In fact, the cash option alone would surpass a quarter of a
06-09-17 Moody on the Market Daily Update
06-09-17 Moody on the Market Daily Update
A Fourth Year Celebration at the 12 Corners of Benton Harbor

You never know when a simple conversation is going to transform into a spectacular idea that additionally evolves into a strong, viable business plan and ultimately a destination attraction. That is essentially the story-line behind what has become 12
Destination Sawyer – June 9, 2017
Destination Sawyer with Sawyer Home and Garden Center