Expensive Laser System Stolen from SWM Construction Site

A Niles road contractor has been hit by either some very sophisticated thieves who knew exactly what they were looking for or somebody who figured whatever it was that they were taking might be worth something to
Disaster Preparedness Workshop for Business Coming Soon

Just one hour of lost time in the face of a disaster can result in a loss of as much as $8,000 for even a small company. For a mid-sized business that leaps to $74,000. Yes…for a
Would Small Business Support Part-Time MI Legislature?

Now that the gauntlet has been thrown, what are the chances that the Michigan business community might get behind the concept of a part-time Legislature in the State of Michigan? It might be too early to tell,
Whirlpool Redoubles Efforts Against Samsung & LG Electronics Dumping

In their unrelenting quest to halt illegal dumping by international competitors, Whirlpool Corporation today announced their filing of a safeguard petition with the U.S. International Trade Commission as the company’s next step in addressing the ongoing efforts
Stonegate Manor Takes a Bow With June Open House

A stately, historic manor moves to center stage next week when Stonegate Manor of Benton Harbor throws open the doors onto an open house for anyone in the region in search of an intimate, first-class wedding reception