New State Law Regulates Uber, Lyft and Others


Those who view Uber, Lyft and other ridesharing providers to be mavericks, renegades, or otherwise unregulated options in the world of transportation can rest a little easier thanks to word from the Michigan Department of Licensing and

SJ-BH Rotary Gets International Spotlight


Jackie Huie may well be one of the most laser-focused, hardest working Rotarians ever to take the 4-Way Test, the guiding principles behind every member. Her tenacity and on-point dedication to whatever role she takes up is

Working to Level the Manufacturing Playing Field


The ability of both manufacturers and the contract companies they utilize to claim tax deductions would be a huge boon to domestic manufacturing in America according to U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, and that is why she has

SW Michigan Grape Growers Set Kick-Off Meeting


As wine and juice grape growers in Michigan’s Great Southwest keep an eye to the sky in the delicate days of spring, there are always concerns about the impact of climate change and volatile weather. Both have