Cubs Bring World Series Trophy Tour to St. Joe

In the worldwide realm of Chicago Cubs fans the National League Baseball club could have traveled virtually anywhere and drawn a substantial crowd to see their shiny new World Series Commissioner’s Trophy. Reality is, however, that the
Manufacturing’s Plan for Michigan

More than 600,000 men and women in Michigan are engaged in the world of manufacturing…a large contingent right here in Michigan’s Great Southwest. The employers of those men and women — the manufacturing community of Michigan —
Heart of Cook Ready to Do Good Again

The world is made up of all sorts of people. We’ve heard before that some people watch things happen, some make things happen, and far too many just stand around wondering what happened. The communities of Berrien
Lakeland Seeks Parking Spike in SJ

As work continues on the new $160-million pavilion expansion project at Lakeland Health in St. Joseph, St. Joseph City Commissioners are being asked tonight to approve additional parking capacity at the regional hospital…including a new fourth level
Armed Robbers Hit JB Party Store Twice

A Benton Harbor party store that has fallen victim to armed robberies twice in ten days time has lost a substantial amount of cash at the hands of thieves in a case that is now part of