Lakeland Launches $160M Pavilion Project


It was somehow fitting that the speakers rostrum for a major hospital groundbreaking sat in the middle of the emergency room heli-pad inasmuch as the night concluded with the project officially taking flight for a new five

2016 Trick or Treat Hours Established


Communities across the region have been working for several weeks to finalize official Trick or Treat times for Halloween 2016. Calls to every community in Berrien County have produced the results you see below, and other communities

100 Women Strong Honors Denise


She was single-handedly responsible for turning her community into a sea of pink every October. She was vociferous in her never-ending advocacy for Breast Cancer Awareness, and herself a breast cancer survivor. She was, in fact, a

Fall Harvest Art Hop Becomes Color Tour


Fall color tours begin to turn into destination attractions as trees and bushes hit their stride with peak colors soon, but the already colorful New Territory Arts Association is putting a fun twist on the fall color