BC Courthouse to Remain Closed for Tuesday

In the wake of today's murderous attack on two Berrien County Court Bailiffs and the wounding of a Berrien County Sheriff's Deputy, Berrien County Trial Court Chief Judge Gary Bruce has ordered the courthouse to remain closed
3 Dead in Berrien County Courthouse Attack

Two Berrien County Courthouse Bailiffs are dead, the man who shot them has been killed, a Berrien County Sheriff’s Deputy is hospitalized in stable condition and “several other” civilians are also in stable condition following a terrorizing
Beer, Music, Lighted Boats & More

If you love music, it makes sense that somebody like the Southwest Michigan Symphony Orchestra might bring you a great opportunity with their Summerfest. But, if you also just so happen to love beer…food…and event lighted boats
New Partnership for Orchards Mall

Christine Waterhouse continues to march forward with programming and branding of The Orchards Mall. The new Mall Manager has negotiated a new partnership with the team at Express Employment Professionals of St. Joseph to help administer weekly