Traffic advice for Lest We Forget observance from SJ Police

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St. Joseph’s Public Safety Department is reminding residents and visitors that things will be a bit hectic around Tiscornia Beach on Friday and Saturday, as Lest We Forget re-creates the D-Day Invasion.  Traffic and parking will be impacted, as detailed in this statement from Public Safety Director Steve Neubecker:

On Saturday, June 22nd, Lest We Forget will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.

As part of that event, Tiscornia Beach will be closed to the public on Friday, June 21st to allow for set up.

On Saturday, June 22nd, Lest We Forget plans to hold two reenactments at 10AM and around noon or 1PM.  The re-enactments will consist of pyrotechnics, landing crafts, flyovers and reenactors shooting blanks.  Neighbors in the area should anticipate hearing loud sounds at these times from vehicles, planes and pyrotechnics which will simulate explosions.

Tiscornia beach is expected to reopen around 4PM on Saturday.

Please also note that construction is underway on Upton Drive and the railroad crossing is currently closed to traffic.  Lest We Forget advises attendees to park on the field south of Whitwam Drive and West of M-63.  Please allow time for shuttles to and from the event.

Additional information about the event can be found at


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