Friends of Animal Control: careful with your dogs in this heat


With hot weather bearing down on Southwest Michigan this week, pet owners are reminded that if they’re feeling the heat, then their furry friends are as well.

Katherine Francis with Friends of Berrien County Animal Control tells us when the weather is this hot, you want to limit Rover’s time outside.

“It absolutely can be dangerous for a dog to be outside in weather like this,” Francis said. “It’s very important to either keep them inside — that’s the best if you can — or let them go outside for short periods of time.”

If the dog is outside, Francis says it should have access to shade and plenty of water. Also, don’t forget to change the dog’s water every so often so it remains cool. How about getting the dog a hair cut?

“The fur is actually good for protecting some of them from the heat — I imagine a husky doesn’t love it as they’re meant for cold weather — but most of them adjust their coats for the weather, and it’s important not to shave your dog for the heat.”

If your dog seems lethargic, is panting excessively, drooling excessively, or breathing rapidly, that could be a sign they’re overheating. Get them inside and give them some cool water.

Francis also advises people walking their dogs to let the animals walk on the grass because the pavement gets very hot and hurts their paws. Remember sand at the beach can be the same way.


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