$146-Million Transmission Line Upgrades Coming from I&M Power

The last thing anyone among us wants is to lose power on a hot summer day like those we are experiencing here in mid-June. We value greatly the ability to flip the switch for air-conditioning and have instant relief from the heat. That’s why Indiana Michigan Power is laying out plans to invest roughly $146-million to improve the electric transmission line systems in Berrien, Cass and Van Buren Counties of Michigan’s Great Southwest in the coming months.

As an operating unit of American Electric Power, I&M is rolling out a project they are calling the Valley Area Improvements Program. That project will consist of an East Valley Upgrades Project and a West Valley Upgrades Project, both of which are considered to be essential to the assurance that continued reliable energy services is available to customers of the region.

PJM Interconnection, the region’s transmission operator, identified the need for enhancements to improve the reliability of the electric grid in the area. The infrastructure has reached an age where it needs to be replaced to better serve area customers. Upgrading the line addresses performance issues, improves the line’s condition and increases reliability. Improvements reduce both the number of outages and the time needed to restore service when they occur. Rebuilds and upgrades will range from Benton Harbor to Paw Paw.

Increasing the voltage reinforces the system to meet customer demands for electricity.

I&M spokesman Tracy Warner of Indiana Michigan Power Communications shared a snapshot of what each of the Valley Upgrades will include.

East Valley Upgrades include:

  • Rebuilding approximately 17 miles of 69 kilovolt (kV) transmission line
  • Upgrading approximately 5 miles of 34.5kV to 69 kV line
  • Upgrading approximately 12 miles of single circuit 69 kV to double circuit 69kV/138kV line

West Valley Upgrades include:

  • Rebuilding approximately 25 miles of 69 kV transmission line
  • Replacing wood poles with new steel mono-poles and installing new wire

Anyone interested in learning more about the two projects is welcome to attend what Warner calls, “A come-and-go open house.” The utility will provide separate open houses for each impacted area to help accommodate citizens with the shortest travel possible. Here’s the schedule for those Valley Area Improvements Project Open Houses:

  • East Valley Upgrades – Wednesday, June 21, 2017, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Lawton Middle School located at 100 Blue Pride Drive in Lawon
  • West Valley Upgrades – Thursday, June 22, 2017, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Coloma High School, located at 300 West St. Joseph Street in Coloma.

Attendees can arrive at any time to review maps, speak with company representatives and provide input regarding route selection. The open house allows I&M an opportunity to communicate directly with landowners to gain their feedback regarding the project and proposed route options.

Construction is expected to start in fall 2018 and be completed by spring 2021. Additional information is also available on the project website and is viewable by clicking the link below:



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